White Oak - Quercus alba

Working properties



Widespread throughout Eastern USA. The white oak group comprises many species, of which about eight are commercial.

Working properties
White oak machines well, nails and screws well although pre-boring is advised. As it reacts with iron, galvanized nails are recommended. Its adhesive properties are variable, but it stains and polishes to a good finish. The wood dries slowly and care is needed to avoid checking. Due to its high shrinkage, it can be susceptible to movement in performance.

General description
A hard and heavy wood with medium bending and crushing strength, low in stiffness, but very good in steam bending. Southern white oak is faster grown with wide growth rings, and tends to be harder and heavier.

Main uses
Construction, furniture, flooring, architectural joinery, mouldings, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, railway sleepers, timber bridges, barrel staves, coffins and caskets.

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