Cloeziana - Eucalyptus cloeziana

Working properties



Gympie region

Working properties
This strong, versatile timber machines, turns and dresses well and readily accepts paint, stains, and polish. There are no issues with fixing standard fittings and fastenings. When gluing, machining and surface preparation should be done in advance, like most high-density species. The timber can be satisfactorily seasoned using conventional air and kiln methods. Preservatives readily impregnate the sapwood.

General description
Gympie messmate has yellowish-brown hued heartwood, its sapwood is noticeably paler in colour, ranging from white to grey-white. The grain is uniform, unfigured, with a fine to medium grain that is sometimes shallowly interlocked. Bark is soft, flaky and fibrous with distinctively tessellated fine or coarse longitudinal fissures, causing it to be confused with the unrelated yellow bloodwood.

Main uses
It is employed in a wide variety of heavy construction applications, including as sawn and round timbers for wharf and bridge construction, railway sleepers, mining timber, posts, poles and scantling. Its water resistant properties make it ideal for crafting keeling and framing components in vehicles and carriage building.

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